Decorative Concrete Kansas

Decorative Concrete Kansas

We have numerous decorative concrete options for our clients throughout Kansas. Each floor has unique problems requiring various solutions. That includes function and design challenges that we are faced with every day.

As you can see in the photos here, the decorative options are vast. We use a combination of overlays with integral color and dyes, plus concrete grinding, polishing and sealing.

Color choices are unlimited with graphics that can be customized for your floor. All graphics are protected by coatings and sealers. Graphic options include using customized stencils, dyes and stains to imbed the design into the concrete and protect with various types of sealers.

For other applications like our polyurea coatings, we use a high definition, perforated cloth between coats. Either way the floor will handle foot traffic, tires from autos and fork lifts. The processes are ideal for adding a memorable, unique look to your store, retaurant, garage or industrial facility.

The process is to inspect your concrete to determine the appropriate application then discuss the various decorative options. We cover to the Kansas and Oklahoma market.

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